Sunday, September 30, 2012

The perfect job...

I'm so incredibly nervous for the end of this week. After Oct. 5th my life could change for the better. I applied for a year long photography job with EF where I will travel the world. Traveling the world is one of my biggest dreams. How perfect would it be to be able to have a dream like this come true AND be able to use your life passion?! This opportunity has come at such a perfect time in my life. I have nothing holding me back, and I love to travel.

If it weren't for EF, there's a possibility that I wouldn't have gone the photography route for my education. When I was a senior in High School, I went to London and had that amazing thrill of getting the perfect shot. I want to have that thrill again and again and again! I'm terrified of not being chosen to be one of the 5 to go on an international shoot before they choose, The One. I know I can do this. I understand the purpose of these photographs, to have people book tours. I know I can create beautiful photos that will stop time.
This is the photograph that caused me to want to pursue photography.
With this photograph, I received a scholarship for college.
My portfolio site has more of my work, so go check it out:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wilderness Woman

This was my first attempt at Fashion Photography. Of course it had to rain, but we didn't let that stop us! My amazing and beautiful friend Ashley Price was the model. We had so much fun or at least I did and I can't tell you how many times I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. Ashley has so much personality that when she gets you laughing it's hard to stop.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mock Editorial Shoot

So excited for tomorrow!!! I'm photographing my very first mock editorial photo shoot. I've got so many ideas going through my head!

I will be doing the hair/makeup and photo styling as well as photographing. I'm trying to think of a theme for the shoot so we can play off that. I was thinking something along the lines of,  "Player of the field." Where all the shots are in fields or against farm type backdrops with a musical influence.

The fashion for the shoot is revolving around this full green skirt that I had from a renaissance costume. I'll be working on a petticoat later for the added flair of the country/prairie vibe. I found this gorgeous white button down shirt with embroidery detail that would be perfect for the shoot. I also have a navy blue military style jacket that will vibe well.

I'm so excited for the makeup! I'm thinking that I will keep her face extremely pale, block out her eyebrows, extreme black editorial eye makeup with false lashes, and exaggerated lips.

Hair will be either a simple sock bun or something along the lines of a rocker chic updo with the side extremely taught. We'll just see how it goes. I have this awesome feather that I'm going to make into a hair clip.

I can't wait to get started and to show case the photos. There's a chance of rain tomorrow so maybe we can get some awesome clouds since we won't have the same kind of light as on a clear day. If only I had access to a light kit to bring more to the photos. But alas all I lack is money.

Make up idea; Photo from

Photo from

Photo from

Make up idea; photo from

Sunday, September 9, 2012


These cupcakes are from a super cute cupcake and candy store in Oklahoma called, Pinkitzel. The vibe of the shop is super fun and whimsical. (Lighting: table top reading lap)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Payne County Fair 2012

Some of my 2D and 3D work

Please excuse the poor quality photos. Some were taken with my phone.

Cord Butterfly
Materials: Plywood, spray paint, roofing nails, and cord. 

Work in progress

Panche Hell painting

Painting/drawing on canvas shoe

Painting on Toms

Not in Kansas Anymore

This was a project from my Installation class. I used cardboard, glue, fabric and glitter. The work is about how society had caused young girls to grow up too quickly. 

The Modern Maiden

This was a project of mine while in college. We were supposed to create a chair that could be functional or nonfunctional. Obviously this one is the later. ;) This chair has attacked me on numerous  occasions, but it is still one of my favorite 3D pieces. With my Dad's help, we cut out the seat from plywood and drilled holes into the seat and into the chair for the nails.